Proof of Ownership

Fundamentally, a blockchain stands to create associations within and between addresses; these associations are publicly observable and allow a global, single source of truth on computed state. After registering an on-chain presence using VAS, a user can begin to register ownership, storage locations, and allowed hosting domains of any content they own. Each registered piece of content has its own queryable footprint which describes the relationship between users, content, and domains at a given point in time. CCTS operates like a public switchboard, as opposed to a vending machine giving out tokens (as smart contracts are often described); on-chain associations and mappings are created and updated between users, content, and domains, with CCTS as a single source of truth. By establishing a “home” for a file, CCTS explicitly creates an allow-list (inside home domains) and deny-list (outside home domains) which can be modified at any point by a user.

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